Michael Jackson once wanted to marry the ‘little witch’ Emma Watson

Michael Jackson once wanted to marry the ‘little witch’ Emma Watson

TPO – Doctor Conrad Murray – who was imprisoned for causing Michael’s death, recently revealed some shocking news about the love life of the “king of pop”.

Mr. Conrad was convicted of manslaughter in 2011 after Michael Jackson died of a painkiller overdose in 2009. This doctor was supposed to be “discharged” for 4 years, but was released in 2013 after while serving half of the sentence.

Recently, Mr. Conrad just wrote a book called “This Is It”, which revealed that the late “king” of the world music industry once wanted to marry Emma Watson – actress of the Harry Potter movie series.


In the book, Conrad said Michael had been infatuated with young star Emma since the actress was an 11-year-old girl.

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Before that, Michael had a crush on blonde girl Harriet – daughter of artist Mark Lester.

Harriet and her father – actor Mark Lester.

Emma Watson is Michael’s second choice if his marriage to Harriet fails.


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