Elvis Presley - Reach Out to Jesus
Old US

Elvis Presley – Reach Out to Jesus

About the Song

A Beacon in the Shadows: Elvis Presley’s “Reach Out to Jesus”
Close your eyes for a moment, dear reader. Let the years melt away, the wrinkles soften, and the memories come flooding back. Remember the days when the King, Elvis Presley, held court over the airwaves, his voice a velvet croon that sent shivers down spines and ignited hearts. Now, imagine that voice, not belting out rock ‘n’ roll anthems, but cradling a message of hope, of solace, of a light in the darkest corners. That, my friends, is the magic of “Reach Out to Jesus,” a song that transcends genre and time, speaking to the weary soul in each of us.

Released in 1972, nestled amidst the gospel hymns of his album “He Touched Me,” “Reach Out to Jesus” is a departure from the hip-shaking hits that made Elvis a legend. Yet, it reveals a depth and vulnerability rarely seen in the public eye. The King, grappling with his own demons and the shadows of fame, found solace in the eternal arms of faith. And in that embrace, he gave birth to a song that resonates with anyone who has ever felt lost, burdened, or simply in need of a guiding hand.

From the opening notes, a gentle piano paints a picture of quiet contemplation. Elvis’s voice, no longer the electrifying roar of a young lion, takes on a tender, almost fragile quality. He speaks, not as a superstar, but as a fellow traveler on life’s dusty road, someone who knows the sting of loneliness and the weight of doubt.

“Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?” he asks, his voice a balm on the wounds of the world. “Does the road you travel, harbor dangers yet unknown?” The lyrics, penned by Ralph Carmichael, are simple yet profound, echoing the universal language of the human struggle. They speak of weariness, of tears that fall in the night, of searching for a haven in the storm.

But “Reach Out to Jesus” is not just a lament. It is a call to action, a whisper of hope in the darkness. The chorus, sung with a gentle insistence, becomes a mantra: “Jesus will help you with all His name you call.” It’s a promise whispered on the wind, a beacon in the distance, urging us to reach out, to find solace in the divine embrace.


This is not the Elvis we knew from the hip-swinging days, the one who sent hearts racing with every gyration. This is a man who has walked through the fires of fame and emerged with a newfound wisdom, a humility that shines through every note. “Reach Out to Jesus” is a testament to his faith, a testament to the power of music to heal and inspire.

So, dear reader, whether you’re a seasoned soul who remembers the King’s reign or a newcomer discovering his magic for the first time, let “Reach Out to Jesus” wash over you. Let it be a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, there is a light, a path, a hope that awaits. And all you need to do is reach out, with open arms and an open heart. Because in the melody of Elvis’s voice, in the simple truth of the lyrics, lies the promise of a comfort that transcends time, a solace that knows no age.

This, then, is “Reach Out to Jesus,” not just a song, but a moment of shared humanity, a whisper of hope from the King himself, reminding us that we are never truly alone. So, let the music guide you, let it lift you, and let it remind you that even in the shadows, there is always a light, waiting to be reached.


Is your burden heavy as you bear it all alone?
Does the road you travel, harbor dangers yet unknown?
Are you growin’ weary in the struggle of it all?
Jesus will help you with all his name you call
He’s always there hearing every prayer, faithful and true
Walking by our side, in his love we hide all the day through
When you get discouraged just remember what to do
Reach out to Jesus, he’s reaching out to you
Is the life you’re living filled with sorrow and despair?
Does the future press you with its worry and its scare?
Are you tired and jealous, have you almost your way?
Jesus will help you, just talk to him today
