Lin Dunn Calls for Brittney Griner to Be Expelled from U.S. Olympic Team – “You Disrespect the American Anthem, You Don’t Deserve to Represent This Country”
Sport News

Lin Dunn Calls for Brittney Griner to Be Expelled from U.S. Olympic Team – “You Disrespect the American Anthem, You Don’t Deserve to Represent This Country”

Controversy Erupts as Former US Coach Demands Griner’s Expulsion from  Olympic Team

In a shocking outburst, former US women’s  basketball coach Lin Dunn has called for Brittney Griner to be expelled from the American Olympic team, accusing the star player of “disrespecting the national anthem.”

Speaking to reporters, the outspoken Dunn minced no words in her scathing critique of Griner’s conduct. “If you can’t bring yourself to honour the American flag and anthem, then you don’t deserve to represent this country on the world stage,” Dunn thundered. “It’s a gross insult to all the athletes who have proudly worn the stars and stripes.”

Griner, who was detained in Russia for nearly a year on drug charges before being freed in a high-profile prisoner swap, has previously faced criticism for kneeling during the national anthem as a protest against racial injustice. Dunn was having none of it.


“This isn’t about politics, it’s about basic patriotism,” the former coach fumed. “Griner needs to learn some respect – for the flag, the anthem, and the nation that has given her so much.”

With the 2024 Olympics looming, Dunn’s explosive comments are sure to reignite the debate over political protest and national symbolism in sport. Whether USA Basketball will heed the former coach’s demand remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the fallout from this saga is far from over.